Our partners

At Graines d’Espoir, we are deeply grateful to our partners who play a crucial role in fulfilling our mission: to help underprivileged children in Togo. Thanks to their generosity and commitment, we can continue to provide essential medical care and ongoing support to children in need.

We pay tribute to our most generous donors by awarding them special badges as symbols of our gratitude: Bronze for annual donations of at least 500 euros, Silver for 1,000 euros, Gold for 2,000 euros, and Platinum for 5,000 euros or more.

These distinctions highlight the significant impact of their contributions on our activities and projects. Every donation, no matter the amount, plays a crucial role in our fight against the medical and social challenges faced by our young beneficiaries. To all our partners, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your commitment and generosity.

Contact us

70A Impasse de l'Amiradou,
83190 Ollioules, France

+33 6 49 81 06 70

+33 6 61 73 08 64
(English contact)
